• Publication typology: Report
  • Responsability: ANGEL – Academic Network on Global Education & Learning
  • Author(s): Cuicui Li and Massimiliano Tarozzi (English); Cécile Giraud (French); Annette Scheunpflug (German); Rita Locatelli and Raffaella Faggioli (Italian); La Salete Coelho, Dalila P. Coelho, Joana Costa, Mónica Lourenço and Francisco P. Silva (Portuguese); Adelina Calvo Salvador (Spanish)
  • Language: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Publication date: November 2020
  • Pages: 150
  • Access: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10112144/1/Digest%202020%20Online.pdf



This third edition of the Global Education Digest produced by ANGEL, the Academic Network on Global Education and Learning, provides a reasoned bibliography relevant to research, practice and policymaking in the field of global education. By bringing together scientific production in six languages – English French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish – this publication represents a milestone in the development of this research field.

In the past decade interest on global citizenship education as a research topic has increased exponentially. For this reason, it is not always easy for researchers, academics, practitioners and other stakeholders to take stock of what has been published. The Digest brings it all together in one place, providing access to a list of recent research articles, but also book chapters and PhD theses, which are not always easy to find. All of this is done in a very organized manner, according to eight thematic sections (for example, theoretical and conceptual publications, publications focusing on teacher education), each of them including relevant literature organized per typology (articles, book chapters, etc.). Hence, the Digest is a valuable resource that allows us to situate the recent literature published in the field of global citizenship education.

The Digest can provide a comprehensive picture of the number of academic and research materials that have been published in a given language and in a particular timeframe, as well as of the most relevant authors and journals in the field. We can also understand which themes have been the most significant in terms of research attention and which are still overlooked. In what concerns this specific multilingual edition, it allows us to compare research foci, conceptual nuances, or privileged actors across languages. Therefore, this Digest promotes reflection, allowing us to move forward as a research community.

The multilingual approach is something new regarding the previous editions of the Digest. When we talk about language we need to acknowledge that we are not just talking about words: firstly, because language represents a particular vision of the world; secondly, because the promotion of a language over another (or others) is never neutral, it always brings along power issues.

Globalisation, in terms of knowledge production, brought the hegemony of the English language, creating barriers to its production and access, which originates exclusions, reducing the “geographical” diversity of knowledge.

However, in the field of global citizenship education, we need to seek more coherent ways to approach power issues, decolonising the domination of the hegemonic languages.

A multilingual approach address these questions – it gives visibility to what is written in different languages, overcoming the monopoly of the dominant languages; brings different lines of thought concerning global citizenship education into dialogue; and, opens doors to more peripheral zones inside and beyond Europe.

Regarding the Portuguese Digest, some highlights are worth mentioning. Firstly, although the Digest covers the last ten years, in practice, we can see that the majority of documents was published in the last five years. So, 2015 is definitely a turning point in terms of the knowledge available about global citizenship education!

Secondly, most publications come from formal education and teacher training, which is consistent with the growing interest that global citizenship education is having among pre-service and in-service teacher education courses.

A third aspect is related to the type of publications found. Among the types featured in the Digest, most publications in Portuguese are papers focused on pedagogical practices or practice oriented. More comprehensive and theoretical publications are still scarce.

Finally, and although this is not a type of publication included in the multilingual Digest, we see as a promising sign of the expansion of global citizenship education in Portugal the fact that master dissertations, especially coming from teacher training courses, are growing.

Overall, beyond the data, these trends suggest that, although more circumscribed to education and teacher training courses and more predominant in some institutions, global citizenship education is gradually entering higher education. This is a significant step considering that traditionally, Development Non-Governmental Organisations have been the main actors in this field in Portugal.

If you wish to know more about this Digest or to watch its launch event, please access the following links:


La Salete Coelho, Dalila P. Coelho, Joana Costa, Mónica Lourenço and Francisco P. Silva.


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